My kids and I were having a discussion about the Ten Commandments and what they meant. As we were talking about them, a lot of memories came back to me of memorizing each of them, and being able to repeat them back so that I could get my sticker. I can still see the poster on the wall with each of them written out and a cartoon depiction of Moses. Nathan likes the Thou shalt not part. Olivia likes the fact that there are ten fingers and toes and ten commandments… makes it much easier for her to remember that there are ten to learn about.
As we grow older, and spiritually mature, the Ten Commandments don’t have the same impact that they once did when we were growing up, and for that matter, many adults seem to forget them. When people still steal, adults have affairs, and murders make the news, you have to wonder what happened to the force of
Thou shalt not? A commandment is a type of “order”. It is a do this, not that kind of proposition. And although it isn’t always mentioned, there is an underlying “threat” or “consequence” for not following them. Commands are given to gain a sense of control and to make order out of chaos. Follow the rules and no one will get hurt. There is a fear factor involved in each of these. And so in this particular bible story, we have an image of a “loving God” who uses fear to keep his people under control. As a parent, I can easily relate. I have “put the fear of God in my children many times”, for better or for worse in situations like crossing streets, walking in parking lots, stranger danger situations, not answering the front door, and the list goes on and on. As a parent, I do this because of love. I love my children, and I don’t want them to get hurt. And so we have an image of a God who loves his children and has put in place commandments so we don’t get hurt. The problem is people are still hurting people. It becomes obvious that the underlying “threat” isn’t fully motivating all people to change their ways. Instead of bringing us to feel and experience our oneness with God and all people, they keep us living in separation, and that is the real sin here.
Part of the problem is that love and fear cannot co-exist. Sometimes when people get “told” what to do, they tend to rebel or they lose their sense of “self”, or both. Adults sometimes lose interest in the literal sense of the commandments, and so it becomes necessary to hold on to their translation in the literal sense, and then let the Holy Spirit expand upon them, bringing us even closer to the Truth that they hold. Sometimes it is necessary to expand, and build onto what we already know, in order for something to continue to be both inspirational as well as transformational. Just coming to a fuller understanding of a word, or the context of the situation, can bring us closer to love and farther away from fear. As adults, who are growing and maturing spiritually, what if we looked at The Ten Offerings, as something not to replace the Ten Commandments, but to coincide with the Ten Commandments, in order to transform our inner selves and transcend the desire of our Ego, which is what the Ten Commandments are really all about. Instead of feeling forced to do something or feeling like you’ve been given an ultimatum, the offerings are a choice that you, abiding in God’s perfect love, make. An offering can’t lead to separation from God because it comes from a feeling of oneness with God. Instead of needing to be told what to do, we have already offered to do what our true nature, love, asks of us.
The First Offering: I recognize, and offer to the world, that I am a part of God and God is a part of me, and God is in everyone and all things.
Believing this, I can only love as God loves. I can only be peaceful, compassionate, gentle, and forgiving toward myself and others. I will honor the masculine and feminine images of God made real in all of creation. I will not deceive myself by believing that I have the corner on God’s wisdom. I will bear witness to the light of God in everyone.
The Second Offering: I recognize, and offer to the world, that I am joined in heart and mind to everyone.
Believing this, I am not separate from God or anyone else. Whatever I say or do to someone else, I have said and done it to me. I make hallowed the name of God through my chosen words and chosen actions toward others.
The Third Offering: I recognize, and offer to the world, that time spent in Silence is time spent listening to the revelations, thoughts, and directions from God.
Believing this, all perceived problems can be solved, all minds can be healed, and all needs are provided for. God thinks through everyone. I will rest in Silence and keep the Sabbath whenever I rest from thoughts that aren’t of God.
The Fourth Offering: I recognize, and offer to the world, that Love is the only power.
Believing this, fear can have no power. Doing everything with love, and loving what I do, is powerful and transformational. I will replace thoughts of fear with thoughts of God. I will not make fear my other God.
The Fifth Offering: I recognize, and offer to the world, that God is for our happiness, not against it.
Believing this, I see that all events are designed to show me that I am already happy, and what makes me happy, multiplies even more happiness in me and the rest of the world. I rejoice in everyone’s happiness, and I will not seek to “kill” another one’s movement toward their heart’s happiness.
The Sixth Offering: I recognize, and offer to the world, that God’s will is not something to be feared.
Believing this, I know that I have been given the gift of Free Will, and God’s will is the discerned, and unfolding path of the desires of my heart, rooted in love, and determined by the loving choices I make in life. There is no conflict between the path of my heart and God’s will. I can never be slave to ego's demand, but freely choose to respond fully to the unfolding invitation of my heart.
The Seventh Offering: I recognize, and offer to the world, that praying for my enemies magnifies peace.
Believing this, I have prayed for my “self” and know that I cannot be hurt by anyone because my true spiritual nature is love. An enemy becomes a friend of the soul because they have taught me something valuable about me that I needed to have revealed. I can see them as gentle teachers of who I am, and who God is. I refuse to worship the faults of others.
The Eighth Offering: I recognize, and offer to the world, nonjudgment. In judging someone else, I have only defined myself as judge.
Believing this, I understand that the faults I point out in others are also in me, in some way, shape, or form. I can simply observe without judging. I let go of my need to be right. I will not steal another’s innocence and call myself God.
The Ninth Offering: I recognize, and offer to the world, my abundance.
Believing this, I know there is no lack. I have only to ask, and I shall receive. God is the supply to every need. Nothing is impossible for God, and what I give to the world will be given to me. What I sow, I shall reap. I have no need to covet what anyone else has. There is more than enough for all.
The Tenth Offering: I recognize, and offer to the world, my ability to serve.
Believing this, faith without works is dead. Every day is an opportunity to make someone feel loved, valued, and that what they have to say matters. God has blessed me with gifts and talents for building up the kingdom in the present moment. Everyone is a saintly servant. How can I make this person feel loved? This is the question I need to ask at any given moment. What I choose to do is the answer to that question.